The first signals that will tell you about your Russian girlfriend’s attitude to you will appear during your telephone conversations. They are very helpful in understanding her moods and expectations regarding you. During real conversations, she will be much more spontaneous because of the lack of time for choosing the “right” replies; she just cannot be that selective about her answers like, for example, while writing back an email to you.
When her intentions regarding the development of your relationship are serious, she will eagerly talk to you and not find excuses to finish the telephone conversation. There can be exceptions, of course, because due to the big time difference between your countries she might be exhausted or sleepy. Nevertheless, permanent excuses should make you doubtful, especially if you have agreed on the time of your calls beforehand.
In case she tells you about some uncomfortable feelings while speaking with you at a certain moment of time, ask her when you can call her so that she would be relaxed. The thing is, many Russian single women live with their parents and can be nervous and jumpy knowing that their family members are nearby, listening to their important conversation.
You can also agree on a keyword or a key sentence which both of you will say when the conversation might be uncomfortable at the moment. Once you agree on the issue, your communication will improve significantly.