Now that you realize that your intentions to date with a Russian lady are serious, what steps you need to take to make her like you?
· For the beginning, learn several important words and sentences in Russian.
The Russian language is based on the Cyrillic alphabet which has it quite different from Latin. Russian speech has soft consonants which are might be foreign to your ear and difficult to pronounce in the beginning. But you will benefit from learning the language for sure. "Zdrastvui" is used for saying "Hello" and "Privet" for “Hi.” When you want to make a compliment, say "Tiy chudesnah vigleedeesh!" to your lady, which means "You look fantastic."
· Create a romantic mood for her.
Russian ladies would appreciate your romantic behavior. Think what you can do to prove your affection for your beloved. In return, your sweetheart might show her love for you by doing things with her own hands, e.g. knitting something special for you instead of buying it in a shop.
· Call her!
Do not pretend that you have other things to do. Your Russian love will appreciate your attention. Use IP phones or other variants of telecoms to call her daily, but ask when she would feel comfortable talking to you.
· Commit to your relationship
State your intentions clearly to her if you are really serious about the further development of your relationship. It will be very important for her to know this. Also share some important information about your family and tell her more about yourself.